Lunch: Italian on cibatta roll
Supper: Taco Salad with breadsticks
Wow has it been a busy summer! It doesn't feel like it's been that busy but I've been working on little things here and there and it adds up. I've also been in training at work which has added up time wise. Thankfully after the first week they let us train a half day in the office and then all the telecommuters were able to come home and work. Yesterday and today were super humid for North Dakota. The low humidity here is something I really appreciate. I hear natives complain about how bad it is and can't help but laugh. Michigan's humidity was the worse of all the places I've ever lived and if they think this is bad they need to experience it elsewhere. Otherwise, our weather has been in the mid to low 80's with night temps in the 60's.
Today we had a nice storm pass through. It rained so heavily that the flash flood alarm went off on the TV and cell phones. I'm thankful that I took the pups for a walk before the storm hit. Matt wanted to go to the store and every time he thought it was starting to slow down it would start pouring again.
Water was so deep in the road that it went up over the sidewalk into the yard. There's a drop down from the step to the road. Water was up to the bottom of the rims on both our vehicles. |
This was totally flooded over for a bit when it was raining the hardest. |
Unfortunately water was going under the skirting on the trailer. |
This pitcher was empty before it started raining. |
I finished the rug!!!! It was a great feeling when I finished it. I already have the loom warped and another rug started. For my fall project I've started a knitted sample stitch afghan with super bulky yarn. I wanted something nice and warm to curl up in when it gets cold.
About a month ago we went to a Junk Expo and Matt found a spinning wheel for me. We picked up this beauty for only $75. I'm not sure what brand it is. I think it might be a Jenny by Sleeping Beauty, which is no long manufactured. She was dirty and I could tell she'd been sitting in a barn or shed somewhere. I cleaned her up last week (finally) and hopefully will get her waxed this weekend. I bought a maintenance kit and she got a tune up after her cleaning. She's missing a dowel that the brake cord attaches to so Matt is going to fix that but otherwise she appears to be in full working condition. Now I just need to order some roving. The Lazy Kate that she came with is about $75 brand new so I think we got a pretty good deal.
I've done a ton of reading. My latest read was The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club by Wanda Brunstetter. I lucked out and got a Wish List fulfilled notice from letting me know that both it and the sequel had been posted. I will be starting the sequel, The Tattered Quilt, tonight. I find the books interesting in they talk about quilting and these take place close to where I grew up in Indiana. One of these days I'm going to visit Shipshawana. It brought back memories when one of the characters talked about going shopping at the mall in South Bend, which is the mall we use to go to all the time. I miss the Amish restaurants that serve family style.
My tomato plants have started producing. The poor plants have been stunted by this odd summer we've had and never got much above 2 feet tall and the fruit is small too. My Roma tomatoes are like giant grape tomato size. I was getting ready to harvest my peppermint after moving it by the tomato plants when something ate it. I'm wondering if it wasn't a bunny as I can't think of anything else that would eat it.